Success Stories

what my previous clients have to say


After our call where we mapped out my launch A-Z,

Now, I finally know how my launch strategy is going to work.

Now I can look at my plan and have a solid outline of where to start and have a clear idea of what's ahead.

Nicole Cromwell

Nurse Practitioner & Abstract Artist


Roshara is  EXTREMELY knowledgeable and have so much great advice to share. 

She knows how to organize, streamline, and put everything together in a way that makes it all so much easier to digest.

I was really looking to nail an actual plan for my course launch.

Before talking to Roshara I was feeling lost & overwhelmed simply not knowing where to start, let alone try to figure out new things like marketing funnels for the launch. 

After our call where we mapped out my launch A-Z, Now, I finally know how my launch strategy is going to work.

Now I can look at my plan and have a solid outline of where to start and have a clear idea of what’s ahead.

She even gave me the idea (& the plan) to start making money with a mini-course, meanwhile! 

I didn’t realize there was so much I didn’t know about Facebook & Instagram ads! 

Roshara really did a great job of explaining the difference and why certain ads were going to work better for me.

You should absolutely work with Roshara! 

She is clearly an expert in her field and has a ton of knowledge to share.

I learned so much in just an hour and a half. And she gave me so many great new ideas to consider.


"I could tell right away that Roshara understood what I was trying to accomplish and that she was the right person to strategize my upcoming course launch.

She quickly and easily laid out a marketing strategy for me that I know will be a success.

I thought I understood the marketing jargon, but I didn't know what I didn't know.

I highly recommend her!"

krysral green



Trying to plan my course launch on my own, I was anxious and frustrated because strategizing the entire  launch plan was overwhelming for me.

Creating an organized flow of customer experiences was confusing for me.

What to post on my social media to attract the right ICA for my launch was a struggle as well.

Up until my call with Roshara, I didn’t have a solid plan to bridge the gap from free content to paid that made sense.

I could tell right away that Roshara understood what I was trying to accomplish and that she was the right person to strategize my upcoming course launch. 

Roshara is so easy to talk to and full of great ideas for me.

I love her creative energy and positive presence!

After our call, I was surprised it was so simple. Immediately I was excited to implement these ideas, and confident of the action plan. 

Now, I have a clear plan to put together the whole system of free content (social media), to the webinars, to the invitation for the paid content. 

Now I can focus on the task at hand, instead of grasping at straws and hoping I get things right.

The relief I have knowing I have a solid plan is priceless.

I feel like if we had spent more time talking, we would have come up with multiple great funnels for my business

The clarity about the purpose of the ad strategy and where I should be focusing my attention was truly helpful.

And  now, I’m very clear of the focus and trajectory of my ad campaigns. 

Girl! This call I had with Roshara completely changed my trajectory! She quickly and easily laid out a marketing strategy for me that I know will be a success.

I thought I understood the marketing jargon, but I didn’t know what I didn’t know.

I highly recommend her!


The layout is excellent and there’s a clear plan on how to reach every milestone.

It's clear Roshara wants me to succeed and is not looking to make a quick buck.

Hire her-she is well worth the price and a true Northstar invested in your success.




Now I have a roadmap to follow and a skeleton to build upon. I am forever grateful to her.

The layout was excellent, there was a clear plan and how to reach every milestone.

Roshara has a way of visually mapping out the plans and everything we discuss right there, which makes it super easy to follow along.

She is very approachable, and her skills are in full display as she created the tailored launch strategy and marketing plan for my course launch.

She is well versed with everything ‘strategy’ and gives me options to choose from, so that i don’t feel boxed in.

Roshara’s strategies also pays attention to ROI, especially when starting with new businesses. 

It’s clear she wants me to succeed and is not looking to make  a quick buck.

Hire her-she is well worth the price and a true Northstar invested in your success.


I love how Roshara takes a small part of a vision and turns it into a bigger picture by providing numerous strategies for success.

Even Though I’m someone who is already very familiar with FB ads, I liked the tailored ad strategies Roshara created for me that focuses on both my new and re-targeted audiences.




Before working with Roshara, I was wrecking my brain trying to figure out things like how to best-plan my launch, what type of content will work best for my audience, how to approach Facebook Instagram ads about my course …etc.  I was unclear about my course direction.

Now I have the overall launch strategy clearly laid out in front of me.

I’m excited to launch, with lots of new ideas swirling in my mind.

Seeing the different options that will work for me, and the exact strategies to bring them to life is extremely valuable to me.

 I love how Roshara takes a small part of a vision and turns it into a bigger picture by providing numerous strategies for success.

Even Though I’m  someone who is already very familiar with FB ads, I liked the tailored ad strategies Roshara created for me that focus on both my new and re-targeted audiences. 

Hey BFF, you need to talk to Roshara.  She was very helpful in showing me multiple strategies for my course launch starting with the lead magnet and going all the way through the final launch and beyond!


I was low key dreading my launch, but Roshara gave me a clear roadmap and now I’m excited to see results.

She took me from overwhelm and confusion to complete clarity on my launch strategy.

Roshara is zero hype and listened to exactly the type of marketing my ideal customers would respond to.




Working with Roshara was amazing.

She took me from overwhelm and confusion to complete clarity on my launch strategy.

She is extremely knowledgeable and had many ideas on exactly what I could do to leverage my current list and grow my reach.

She is zero hype and listened to exactly   the type of marketing my ideal customers would respond to.

She also gently challenged me to go beyond my comfort zone, which I needed.

I was low key dreading my launch, but she gave me a clear roadmap and now I’m excited to see results.

Her knowledge with all things list building, email strategies, repurposing content and Facebook ads is incredible.

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